Supporting families
affected by cancer.

“Hello, Chook!”

At just 41 years of age, on Remembrance Day 11 November 2003, Lisa Fahey was taken, after a short battle with cancer, from her husband Steve and her children, Amelia and Patrick, her parents, grandma and her many friends.

Lisa and her family learned a great deal about the difficulties and challenges of living with cancer and it was Lisa’s wish that a foundation be created to extend assistance, support and kindness to other families who find themselves in the same situation.

Lisa Fahey affectionately referred to almost everyone as ‘chook’. We thought it fitting to carry Lisa’s down-to-earth and fun-loving spirit into the work of the Foundation.

Since 2005, we’ve helped over 250 families fight the good fight against cancer.

Yes, you heard that right! Since 2005, Lisa Fahey Foundation has assisted more than 250 South Australian families with a parent or carer who has cancer. The Lisa Fahey Foundation partners with the Royal Adelaide Hospital Cancer Centre, caring for patients who are having difficulties meeting their financial commitments due to their inability to work whilst they are receiving treatment for cancer. In 2010, the Foundation commenced a similar project with the Cancer Centre located at the Flinders Medical Centre.

Run a raffle!

It’s easy to run a Lisa Fahey Chook Raffle. We send you the “Whole Kit and Cock-A-Doodle” including posters, raffle tickets, collection tin and prize boxes. All you have to do is buy the prizes on the day and sell a few tickets.